Reflex NDI Tutorials
Initial preparation
We explain how to associate video sources from ReflexNDI to your video switcher (vMix for the demonstration).
Reflex account and channel
We explain how to connect to your Reflex GreenRoom account and how to choose your distribution channel.
Navigating in source windows
We demonstrate that each NDI source window is actually a Web browser with a dimension fixed at the 16:9 ratio; ideal for online video streaming.
We explain how to perform preliminary tests and optimize the configuration when CPU/GPU resources are saturated. We also demonstrate the Turbo option which saves resources and allows the user interface to be barred to avoid accidentally disrupting a live broadcast.
Content reframing
We explain how to select an area of ​​the source to transmit to the video switcher. We also demonstrate the search with CTRL-F and the Zoom functions with CTRL+ and CTRL-. Everything is preserved between two starts of the application; including your identifications to various websites.
Share main screen
Demonstration that from the ReflexNDI PC, it is possible to transmit the main screen or an area of ​​it, with its well synchronized audio output, to the video switcher.
Advanced setup
Demonstration that it is possible to transmit the playback of audio (mp3) and video (mp4) files. You will see the impact of the Enable GPU option to speed up 3D content and also how to erase connection data for your security.
Off Air Optimization
Demonstration of a new off air optimization mode to save system resources when a source video is off air.